Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Dry January

Well, it is the beginning of January, and I'm doing the Dry January challenge.  What do I hope to gain from it?  Well, truthfully I hope I will find it easier than I anticipate, and continue on.  The plan for now is to take one day at a time, and make it through January without the booze.  Yes, I drank a lot over the holidays, I usually drink one bottle wine a night.  On weekends it is probably two, or a few cocktails and a bottle of wine.  I hope that by blogging about this (adventure???) will help me continue with this.  Today is January 3rd, January 1st I was hung over, felt thirsty, but it was an "approved" yoga pants sort of day, so I didn't feel so miserable.  There was crushing depression on the evening of the first though.  I was bummed that work was going to be in full gear, that it would be go, go, go.....and I'd have to face it without wine o'clock.  I made it. 

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