Monday, January 8, 2018

Day Eight and feeling great or hate, depending on the moment.

Well here I am at Day 8.  If anyone would see Day 8 they would laugh and think that is no big deal, you are off alcohol for eight whole days.  Well it has been easy, and not easy.  In reading the Dry January Facebook page I realize that many people have already hit the bottle and we are at the beginning of the second week. Its amazing how difficult it is.  There is habit, there is desire, and there is just plain ole I just want to have a drink.  I know I have never been a drinker that only has one drink.  Ever.  I don't sip with pleasure one glass of wine with a meal and then not think of alcohol again.  I'm sure if you did a brain scan on me you would see that in anticipation of drinking that my brain probably lights up like a Christmas tree with excitement.  Its the excitement that I like.  I feel so adult,and fun, and relaxed at the thought of a drink. Then I drink and it never tastes as good as I think it will. It is good sometimes, but rarely tastes great.  I don't get that warm tingling happy feeling anymore when I drink.  Its usually that I feel just a little more dull in the senses, then I feel tired, and then I feel drunk.  Why these challenges are hard is that I know I need to be working for a lifetime of not drinking, but the thought scares me.  I will make it through today.  I don't know if I would if we had alcohol in the house, but we don't and I won't get any.   The liquor store near my house delivers now.  I will make it to Day 9, I was just stating a fact.  Sigh......

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