Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 17 alcohol free!

Well, here it is, another day under my belt.  Sort of, we haven't hit wine o'clock yet, but my mind isn't counting down until then either.  It is getting easier.  I still have some pangs, and regret that I can't drink at such and such an occasion (we have a formal gala next week and I'm dreading it!)  But, one thing that has helped is reading all of this horrible stuff about what alcohol does to your body.  Now there are reversing the thought that moderate drinking (defined by one drink per day for women-hahahahahahahahahaha) is no longer considered good for you.  Fatty liver is reduced by 40% with just 28 days abstinence.  I am fairly certain I will make it through this month.  My plan is to continue on next month.  I have a conference in Las Vegas next month....ugh.

I am one of those people that doesn't understand why I drink like I do.  I know that what I want on a bad day is to numb out the day, and be forced to sit quietly and ignore the world.  When sober I am too responsible to ignore work crises, family crises, and household chores.  I don't give a crap about those things when I am drinking.  Then that carries over to a bad attitude and lazy behavior the next day.  I have been drinking about a bottle of wine a day, and many times two plus a martini or two on the weekend.  I think I just got used to the hangover.

Now my side affects are positive mood during the day.  Kicking butt at work, not having rip roaring fights with my husband, and an overall positive outlook even though there is a lot of family stuff I have to deal with.  The seventeen days that have gone by since the new year seems like months,but I'm hanging in there! 

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